Saint Peter Pack 5 Popcorn Fundraiser

Support Your Pack 5 Cub Scouts!

Hi! My name is Matthew Mast. I am the Popcorn Kernel for Saint Peter Cub Scout Pack 5 this year. Corny, right? Pack 5 is selling popcorn to raise money to support our Scouts! By buying popcorn today, your donation will help Pack 5 provide scholarships for Scouts to help pay for Scout dues, summer camp fees and equipment, fall and winter campouts, Scout hikes, and the Pinewood Derby!

Additionally, your support helps pay for the den activities Scouts enjoy, activities that help our Scouts become better citizens and future leaders. You'll also be helping to support and maintain our two beautiful Scout facilities right here in the tri-states, Camp Eastman in Nauvoo, Illinois, and Saukenauk Scout Reservation near Mendon, Illinois.

Given the social distancing guidelines in place for this popcorn season, Pack 5 will not be participating in door-to-door sales. Instead, our Scouts are selling popcorn through these two online options:

Buy Now

Order online straight from the popcorn website. Shipping is FREE and the popcorn gets delivered right to your door!

Please use the seller code RPJUNL to ensure the credit from your purchase will benefit our pack!

Click Here to Order


Pay on Delivery

Choose from our list of delicious popcorn options. Then fill out the form (name, number, address, phone number) and we will deliver the popcorn to your door.

Payments will be accepted when we deliver your order. Cash, check, or credit card.

Click Here to Order

The Cub Scout popcorn fundraiser is our only fundraiser for the entire year. And remember, though the prices may be premium, over 70% of the donation you make through the purchase of Scout Popcorn comes right back to support your local Scouts!